
How to Get Rid of Scorpions in Your Home

Scorpions. They are nasty, predatory pests that can be found on every continent in the world, except for Antarctica. They've been roaming the planet for over 300 million years and can live up to 25 years old. Getting stung by one of these creatures can hurt, but it won't kill you in most cases. Nevertheless, you don't want them hanging around on your property. But is pest control for scorpions the same as it is for other types of pests?

Today, we'll take a look at the different kinds of scorpions and how you can get rid of them.

The Different Species of Scorpions

Now, before we dive into the different options for scorpion control, let's get to know this painful creature a little better. A scorpion is part of the arachnid family because it has eight legs. However, the scorpion is very different from its 8-legged counterpart, the spider.

They range in size from 0.3 inches up to 9 inches, and their bodies are composed of three parts: a head, trunk, and tail. The tail contains a stinger that can be maneuvered in different ways to attack its victim. This tail is venomous, and in some cases, deadly. Scorpions also have strong pincers that can be used for grasping prey or defending themselves.

Worldwide, the number of scorpion species is around 1,750, but only 25 of them are known to be capable of killing a human with their venomous sting. In the U.S., two different species are highly venomous, the Arizona bark scorpion and the stripe-backed scorpion.

Scorpion Stings How Bad Are They?

While a scorpion sting is generally not fatal for a healthy adult, it could be more dangerous for a child or elderly person, particularly if stung by one of the nasty types like the bark scorpion. And they should be taken to see a doctor right away.

But in most cases, you'll be fine once the pain wears off. Besides the sting's pain, you may have a few other symptoms like swelling or numbness and tingling.

Treating a Scorpion Sting

Remedy scorpion stings at home by following these steps:

  1. Clean the wounded area with mild soap and warm water.
  2. Place a cool compress on the wound to reduce the pain.
  3. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever as needed for pain.

It's uncommon to have severe symptoms from a scorpion sting; however, if you have any of the following, you will want to get immediate medical treatment: difficulty swallowing, muscle twitching, blurred vision, sweating, vomiting, or irregular heartbeat.

Pets can also fall prey to a scorpion sting. Sometimes they are curious and try to play with the scorpion, only to end up whimpering back to you. Like humans, pets are generally fine after recovering from the sting's pain, especially larger breeds of dogs. However, small dogs and cats are most vulnerable to more severe symptoms, so if one gets stung, watch them closely and get them checked out by a veterinarian if they begin to behave unusually.

Where Do Scorpions Lurk?

The best thing to do is either

a) avoid scorpions altogether, or

b) get rid of them.

So, where do these annoying little pests hang out? During the day, these nocturnal creatures are hiding in dark crevices, crawl spaces, wall voids, under woodpiles, in closets, weep holes, or beneath your baseboards.

At night, these creatures come alive. Shine a black light on areas where you suspect scorpion activity, and you can easily see their creepy little bodies light up. They have a luminescent quality that will make them glow in the dark.

What is the Best Pest Control for Scorpions?

So now that you know where they lurk, how do you get rid of them? Does pest control work on scorpions as it does other nuisances like roaches, silverfish, or bed bugs? After all, if these things have been around for millions of years, it can't be that easy to get rid of them.

Yes and no.

According to a scorpion pest control expert MDK Services pest control, San Angelo, Texas, scorpions are easy to kill if you understand their biology and habits. But if you don't, then trying to do it on your own will be difficult. Then contact MDK Services pest control. It is the best pest control service for "Scorpion Control Services San Angelo." If you want to know more about MDK services pest control, google "Scorpion Control Services San Angelo" or call 325-658-3498.

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